Message from Mike Parker, Superintendent
Dear Waterville Parents and Community,
The opening of school is next week-August Tuesday, August 27th to be exact. Are you ready? Are your kids ready?
Over the course of this past summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to talk with a large number of Waterville parents and community members. A survey was sent throughout the community in July and the results from this five-question survey have been very helpful to me as I work with the “team” to set a course for the year.
After spending time in the community and in the school and after reading the results of this survey, I set three goals for myself as the Superintendent: 1) improve on the communication from the school and the communication within the school 2) improve and enhance the culture of Waterville. We’ve adopted the slogan “We are Waterville” 3) Improve and maintain the financial stability of the district. I’m pleased to say I believe we are well on our way with each.
On Monday, August 19 I met with all staff members of the Waterville School District. What a thrill it was for me to welcome them back to another school year. A meeting was held in the morning with all staff. In this meeting I shared with them my background and previous work experiences. We also shared information from the business office and personnel office.
The Waterville School Board also renewed the goals they established in 2021. I shared these goals with the staff:
Increase Student Learning and Performance
Develop High Functioning Board Team (Staff Teams)
Ensure Positive, Safe and Inclusive Learning
Ensure Fiscal Responsibility and Stability
Your support for the Waterville Schools is genuinely appreciated.
Mike Parker
Welcome to
Waterville School District K-12 "Lighthouse" School!
We are pleased to welcome you to the site of the Waterville Shockers! Here you will find all the information you need in the community, sporting field, and classroom. Go Shockers!
Our Latest Events
Meet The Administration
Mike Parker
Interim Superintendent
Quick Links
Leader Leaving A Legacy
Presston Hale
Presston Hale is this month's "Leader Leaving a Legacy" in WONDERS!
Presston has proven himself to be a great friend in our classroom. He is always willing to help his classmates.
Presston is very expressive and is excited to learn!!
Presston is a SUPER SHOCKER!
The Leader In Me Process
The “Leader In Me” is a process built on the 7 habits that are proven to increase effectiveness in all aspects of a person’s life.
The process is based on 5 mindsets which help guide the actions of our district:
Empower students to lead their learning
Everyone has genius
Develop the whole person
Change starts with me
Everyone can be a leader